
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A trip to Butcher Boys!

I went to my local butcher this morning.  Butcher Boys is the name of the shop we go to.  They have been around since 1969 and live up to their reputation daily!  Butcher Boys was recommended to us by a dear friend who knew we were looking for local meat two years ago. 

After watching the movie, Food Inc. by Michael Moore, Mr. Eco and I decided we would NEVER buy meat from the grocery/warehouse store again!  If you have not watched Food Inc. yet, I highly encourage you to do so!  The movie makes you think about where our food comes from…something the average American probably doesn’t think about too much!  I know I didn’t!  You have to know as a friend and blog-follower that Food Inc. changed the way I feed my family and think about the food in the grocery store aisles. 

I am so thankful my friend told us about Butcher Boys.  We have been going there for meat ever since and have grown to know the staff – who gives my kids a pepperoni stick or hotdog to eat while I place my order!  SCORE!  They know what it takes for a mom to be able to place her order in peace! 

The chicken they sell comes from Draper Valley Farms.  They are local to my area and do not use hormones, antibiotics, or preservatives.  The chickens are fed a 100% vegetarian diet with no animal fats or by-products.  The chickens live in a stress-free environment, are humanly raised and housed with natural light and ventilation.  Natural light and ventilation – you think to yourself, aren’t Tyson and Foster Farms chickens raised the same way?  NO THEY ARE NOT!!!!!  Again, if you haven’t watched the movie, Food Inc., please do yourself a favor and watch it. 

Another thing I like about the chicken I get is that the chicken breasts I buy come together, yes, I mean two breasts connected together, just as nature intended!  That was and still is something I think about when I walk through the meat section at the grocery store where the breasts are cut apart and sold individually.  I never thought anything about that until we started going to the butcher shop for meat.  At first it was weird, now I think it is weird to sell chicken breasts individually! 

The pork and some of the beef comes from Carlton Farms.  Again, local to my area, antibiotic-free, grown by a team of farmers who respect their animals and the environment.  The hogs are fed a grain-based vegetarian diet with no animal by-products.  They even brought in Dr. Temple Grandin (an amazing woman who happens to have autism and found her passion in animal welfare and autism advocacy) to train their staff and design farm equipment for them. 

In a prior blog post, I talk about starting to introduce grass-fed beef to my family.  That is my goal in the near future.  I would love nothing more to get even healthier meat for me and my family!  Once I get us off grain-fed beef and onto grass-fed beef, I will continue to purchase chicken and pork at Butcher Boys. 

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